
News & Events - 2021

Capes at Texas Child Neurology 12/14/2021

Making Superhero capes for the Amazing staff at Texas Child Neurology. They are superheroes in disguise - helping children every day!

Partnering with Panera 12/09/2021

Come join us this Sunday at Panera. There will be good food for a GREAT CAUSE!!

Conversation with Mary Crowley 12/02/2021

We had an informative and inspiring meeting with the Mary Crowley Foundation. This is a cancer research foundation that offers new investigational cancer therapies through stage 1 and stage 2 clinical trials- focusing on targeted cellular and gene therapy.

Partnering with Panda Express 11/29/2021

We will be at Panda Express on 12/4 raising money for Creatures Against Cancer. Come by 1121 East Spring Creek Parkway from 10:30a.m. to 9:30 p.m. If you can't make it, you can order online with the code 331862.

It will be a great day to do Good in the Community!

November Pillows 11/08/2021

Making and wrapping single and double mastectomy pillows for people in the community who requested them. If anyone knows someone who can use a double or single mastectomy pillow, just let us know and we will be happy to make one for them. We hope they bring a little love and comfort to people battling cancer in our community.

Partnering with Chipotle 11/07/2021

We are going to be at CHIPOTLE on Saturday November 13th from 4-8p.m! We would LOVE it if some friends would get some delicious food there. It is going to be at 500 E Spring Creek Pkwy. Plano, 75074. If you can't make it in person, you can order online for pickup- just use the code VNX6X3K. 😁😊😋

Creatures at Texas Oncoloy 11/02/2021

It's a rainy day, but perfect to bring some love to those battling cancer. Bears, monsters, cats and more all found homes with patients at Texas Oncology today. We are so blessed that we can bring a little love and comfort to others today.

Halloween fun at Children's 10/21/2021

Custom Halloween superhero capes and trick or treat buckets for some sweet kids at Children's Hospital. We love that they will be able to have some fun on Halloween.
— at Children's Medical Center Plano.

Event with Kendra Scott 10/21/2021

We are having an event with Kendra Scott in Watters Creek on October 26th from 6-8 p.m. 20% of the purchases will be donated to Creatures Against Cancer. We hope some friends can make it and help us bring love and comfort to cancer patients. The details are in the link.

Samaritan Inn holiday door wreaths 10/06/2021

We had a vision of brightening up the front doors of the residents at the Samaritan Inn. We wanted the residents to feel the warmth and love of the community as they walked in their doors. We had a great time making 50 wreaths for all the residents doors. We hope they feel the love from the community and that they know there is hope for a better future.

Mer-cat and Mer-kittens 09/21/2021

A mercat mom and her mercat babies made to bring love and comfort to a warrior mom fighting cancer. We pray these will be a symbol of hope and bring comfort to this amazing mom.

Animals at Texas Oncology 07/20/2021

Turtles, Dogs, Elephants, And more! These animals were so excited today to bring some love and comfort for people fighting cancer at Texas Oncology. Nothing makes us feel better than if we can bring a smile to someone fighting cancer.

Lunchboxes with Love 06/25/2021

What a wonderful week! It's been a long year and a half but we are back to doing what we love. We spent time making comfort boxes and bringing them to Texas Oncology and Children's Hospital. It was so wonderful to be able to visit with the patients at Texas Oncology again and bring a little sunshine to their day. Seeing their smile while going through treatment is something that always warms our heart.

We ALWAYS love being able to also put together love for the sweet kids at Children's. They are warriors who inspire everyone. It always lifts our souls when we are able to bring a little love to others going through tough times.